Illustration Exploratory

This scene was one of the first illustration scenes we started working on, and even though it didn’t get used in this context, it ended up in a later episode and a different context.

Collage Exploratory

These animation examples put the collage aesthetic to test and add animation and camera moves. The animation was simplified for the final cut, but the overall aesthetic survived the process.

Destruction Exploratory R1

Exploring a particular sequence in the story, these tests and the following frames were part of a larger story demonstrating a religious belief about the impending end of Earth. Following the Apocalypse, families ascend into space and populate new worlds. My biggest personal regret on this project was not seeing this one come to life–in this iteration or the next.

Destruction Exploratory R2

As a revision to the previous concept, we explore a more “stop-motion” take on the story.